Occupations Research
Occupations Research
Occupations Research
Event sourcing
Định nghĩa LỢI ÍCH là thực thể có tính GIỚI HẠN THỜI KHÔNG. Mọi thứ sẽ hiếm dần theo thời gian, không gian sẽ ngày càng bị thu hẹp theo thời gian. Ví dụ đất đai ngày càng hiếm theo thời gian vì người ngày càng tăng ở đây NGƯỜI và ĐẤT trở thành 2 mặt đối lập nhưng ĐẤT là không thể thay đổi nên thành quan hệ đối lập 3 ngôi NGƯỜI - NGƯỜI + ĐẤT. Ngày xưa ĐỘNG VẬT đối lập ĐẤT
Ví dụ vui vẻ về pure function
Today, taking a security knowledge test, each time you take the test, you learn more interesting things. Log back here to share with everyone.
Good software structure is essential for system extension and maintenance. Software development is a chaotic activity, therefore the implemented structure of systems tends to stray from the planned structure as determined by architecture, analysis, and design
When a transaction is allowed to read a row that has been modified by an another transaction which is not committed yet that time Dirty Reads
If, like I did, you also have difficulty understanding error handling then you’re in the right place. After years working with JavaScript, and speaking/working with other engineers, a style of applications layout for handling errors emerged in my own work. And it’s this philosophy for error handling that I want to share with you today.
Conway’s law is the theory that organizations will design systems that copy their communication structure.
Key to evaluation is alignment of a technology with architecture principles, aiming to determines the balancing of ecosystem. Total cost of Ownership (TCO) has been a calculation intended to help buyer and determine the direct and indirect cost.
Curabitur sapien sapien, lacinia eget felis vitae, consectetur dignissim lacus.
Proin fringilla arcu in neque tincidunt, nec auctor quam interdum. Aenean sollicitudin viverra turpis, at fermentum quam scelerisque vitae. In aliquet velit mauris, a placerat massa laoreet in. Phasellus blandit, ex a maximus accumsan, neque urna egestas augue, quis aliquet ipsum magna eu neque.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP.) HTTPS transmits encrypted data using Transport Layer Security (TLS.) If the data is hijacked online, all the hijacker gets is binary code.
Picking a database is a long-term commitment so the decision shouldn’t be made lightly. The important thing to keep in mind is to choose the right database for the right job.
Để hiểu hơn về threads, để tớ trình bày cho các cậu nghe thế nào là program 🤔.
Deploying or upgrading services is risky. In this post, we explore risk mitigation strategies.
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